According to studies, one out of every three people are facing fungal diseases of the nails. And, fungus in the nails of several decades is a player met infrequently.

According to the researchers, prevalence of the disease has received, thanks to the benefits of the civilization: the high availability of public pools, saunas, gyms, what has been created for the promotion of the health of the person. But, occupying the strengthening of the muscle mass or the elimination of excess weight, the person rarely calls attention to the threat next to him: pathogenic fungi, that are only waiting to become a whole with the new "owner". The consequences (and not only the aesthetics of nature) does not make ğsemántica. Have dark, fluffy, the stratification of the nails, the bad smell of the feet and the footwear is not the most terrible manifestations of a disease. Without treatment, the fungus can spread to adjacent areas of the body, reduce immunity, local and contribute to the secondary infection – the penetration in the tissue and the blood of pathogenic bacteria, as well as be the cause of the contagion of others. Run the risk of members of the family of a sick - persons whose skin is in contact with the surfaces, in the following the microscopic particles infected skin. It is for this reason, for the purchase of first aid kits an effective means of fungus on the nails, it is a good idea, especially if you are attending a hot tub, swimming pools and other public places, in which a high likelihood of the infection by the fungus. So, what are the best means of fungus on the nail gives us the modern pharmaceutical industry and traditional medicine?
The best medicine for nail fungus
The active substance from the group of drugs has a high "cumulative" effect. This means that when you use a drug that the substance accumulates in the tissues of the surface of the nail, and gradually reaches its maximum concentration, the mortality for the fungi. Excipients which enter into the composition of the preparation, facilitate the penetration of the substance in nails of the tubules, which, in reality, and it is spread by a fungus. The advantages. In addition to the fungicidal action drug prevents secondary infection of the tissues, facilitates the itching and in a short time, it relieves inflammation, driven fungi of the defeat. Disadvantages. The clinical studies of a drug, that have confirmed or refuted your safety, have not yet been performed. Therefore, today, the drug is contraindicated for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with intolerance to any component of this tool. The score. The complex action of these drugs and their unique, though good advantage, that offered a remedy 9 points of the first ten in the ranking of the best funds of the nail fungus.
From the comments: "Treaties of fungi on nails and in the skin between the toes. Frankly, the fungus can survive, but not the itching, which is causes. This medication, literally, at night it took away the itching, while the fungus treated instructions – before the complete regeneration of the nail". The active substance of the tool against the fungus has a strong antifungal and is effective against most yeast, molds, and other fungi. Penetrating into the tissue of the nail affected by the fungus, the substance violates in these organisms, the change of the substances, and destroys their cellular shell, which becomes a stop-factor for the formation of colonies of fungi and their subsequent reproduction. The advantages. High efficiency confirmed by clinical research, but in this case the percentage of healing of lesions of the nails is taken into account in the last place: the attention has been given to fungal infections of the skin. For this reason, it is difficult to say whether the cream is effective for when the onychomycosis, as in the case of seborrhea of the scalp. But it really has been demonstrated the local use of the active substances, are not detected in the blood, even the prolonged use of tools. Therefore, for the treatment of infants, pregnant women, and people with any disease of the kidneys and the liver, this cream is permitted. Disadvantages. It is not very comfortable pattern of use of the cream two times a day) in combination with the consistency is not thick and oily, can deliver the complexity. This applies especially to those to whom the treatment of the caught by surprise on the road or outside the house.
The score. In general, the shampoo, deserves 10 points out of ten. But it is not enough large clinical trials on the issues that interest us here and now, and the treatment of nail fungus - with-all to reduce their valuation. Therefore, focus in 9 points. From the comments: "I liked the shampoo, when treated oily seborrhea of the head. That's why, when he discovered that the nail fungus, immediately I bought the same name of the cream. Still not noticed the obvious results in the nail – began treatment only a week ago, but the skin around the nail became more healthy". The substance inhibits the growth and activity of different species of fungi, including those which become the cause of the loss of the nail. With the correct use of the medication in accordance with the instructions on the nail, it creates the concentration of the drug with various forms of release, which for a long time prevents re-infection. The advantages. The comfort is the ability of selection of drugs in the form of a spray, solution, gel, or cream. All forms of national liberation of the drug are equally effective. The correct application of medication evident improvement is observed after 2 weeks.
Disadvantages. The qualitative processing which provides this tool, due to the powerful action of the drug with the various forms of publication. But precisely for this reason, the treatment of nail fungus in infants, pregnant women and children under the age of 12 years is contraindicated. The score. One of the best tools for nail fungus, popular in all over the world, but it requires a hard enforcement of the "rules of the game". Deserves 10 points out of 10. From the comments: "I think that the price of the tool increased, despite use in the form of spray really convenient. The fungus has passed, however, as a grown up the nail, enjoyed a drug in about a month". In varnishes for the treatment of nail fungus, use different active substances, and the cost of medications can vary widely. It is of the best and most popular lacquers for the treatment of injuries, fungal nails, and they all combine the same advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages. Each one of the active substances are strong anti-fungal tools that inhibit the growth and activity of fungi. The ease of use of the varnish leaves no doubt – periodically, or only processing affected the nail before the first (or one of each) the application of the tool, and, subsequently, it remains only to follow the instructions: "dyed" the nail once or twice a day, or even once a week. Disadvantages. Unfortunately, with all the efficacy of antifungal substances that enter into the composition of varnishes, which are less effective when fungal profound defeats, as well as in the location of the fungus underneath the nail plate. This deficiency in some measure compensated for by the ability of the nail on the accumulation of medicinal substances, which, with the passage of time will extend inward. But even taking this into account, there is no guarantee that after several months after the end of the treatment the fungus does not appear "out of nothing". You know where: the plots of the nail, which they were not able to penetrate the active substances.
The score. The impossibility of predicting the effectiveness of treatment immediately deprives even the best of the luck for the treatment of nail fungus of various points of rating. But immediately returned, since it is the best tools for the prevention of fungal defeats. Therefore, the fact that the visit social with swimming pools, saunas and gyms, will be interesting to know of the "double" evaluation of varnishes: we give 7 points of 10 minutes as medicines for the treatment, and 10 out of 10 as a tool for the prevention of nail fungus. The comments of the varnishes of nail fungus: "Treated the fungus on the thumb of the foot – the effect was completely from scratch. The truth, I was not able to steam the leg, set of dry glaze. After a few months I bought the other medicine and do not return: the fungus just began to destroy the nail, I have done everything according to the instructions. After 2 months and the track is not". In the composition of the oil of tea tree, which includes terpenes, which are used for antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory action of the tool. And tea tree oil - a powerful antimicrobial substance, today it is revealed only in the tea tree oil, what makes it truly unique.
The advantages. Taking into account the 100% natural oil, that can be indicated for the treatment of mycoses of the nails and skin of the feet, even in pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants and children. It has a strong antifungal, inhibiting the growth of fungi, and thanks to the antimicrobial effect does not allow secondary infection of parcels to loose the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Disadvantages. A strong smell, described by some as a pleasant and fresh, to others it looks like some "doctors". The spectrum of action of tea tree oil, which is very wide, but some types of fungi are resistant to tea tree oil, which makes this tool useless in the treatment of a number of fungi defeats. Also the oil is not recommended for people with an intolerance to the components of this tool. The score. Almost total absence of contraindications, the effectiveness, the complex action which may be called the tea tree oil of the best popular remedy against the fungus of the nails and give 10 points diez.De comments: "Had to treat recurrent foot fungus during pregnancy. Synthetic ready to use the fear, he expressed his preference for the tea tree oil. I can say that the best instrument for the nail fungus I had in hand was not: the root of the finger nail began to grow smooth and pink in color. Now I go back to work constantly from the interior of the streets, at home, and shoes of oil – already 7 years as he has left the mushroom".
What you need to know in the treatment of nail fungus?
The efficacy of the means of fungus on the nails can increase considerably if the use of these "tricks":
- Prior to the application of the tool to wash the feet in moderately warm water and soap (better to use child normal or economic), after which you will have to switch the hot water and steam surprised of the nail of at least 5 to 7 minutes. This procedure of "opening" the cells of the nail, which will grow the production and / or whipped cream to penetrate more deeply into its fabric. Just make sure the hot foot bath are contraindicated in varicose veins, hypotension, increased body temperature.
- Be careful of the nail, which has grown up in a timely manner has been cut. Acts, "free" of a portion of the surface of the nail must be removed as regrowth, to release the access to medication has soft tissue in the nail bed.
- Treat not only the nail, but and the areas of healthy tissue. "The capture of new territories" there is no shame, no less than 1 cm of nails: the fungus can survive drug attack in the vicinity of the tissue, and at the end of the course the treatment of back, as if nothing had happened.
- If the fight against fungi defeats became his way of life, and you live in the mode of eliminate the fungus - to rejoice recovery - detect the fungus again" - be sure to consult your doctor. It is likely that you will need to research microscpica of the sample of the nail in order to identify the causative agent and the subsequent destination of the medicines, the that "his" fungus has not yet acquired the sustainability.